Les Ateliers Bonzai

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Charging Station

Charging station french cleat

Charging station dadoed shelve

Charging station dovetail bottom

Completed charging station

As many of you, I have at least one tool that is battery powered and have the appropriate charger and potentially a second battery that came with the tool.  Always looking for good ways to store these tools and accessories, I got inspired by a project by the Wood Whisperer to build a charging station for the shop.

I currently own 3 types of batteries/charger, mainly for drill/combo kits that I bought (hammer drill/impact from Dewalt), one being from Festool for the drill and another from Ryobi for a grass trimmer which is cordless.I also wanted a place to store/rest the cordless tools, not too far from the chargers.  Storing the extra batteries was also a necessity to be close by the chargers so that when not in use, it be stored in the same place.So the design is pretty much based on the included build from Marc in his video, but I made a few modification based on my tools and charger.  

The joinery is different as I do not have a doweling jig.  I used dovetail for the bottom shelf, dados for the middle and top shelves.For the back support, I dovetail a rail to the frame and eventually attached the french cleat case end to that rail.  The matting piece is screwed to the wall.  I also attached a small piece of wood at the bottom of the case, the same thickness of the french cleat to offer the proper support so that when hung on the wall, the bottom of the case does not tilt.The shelves are not full width of the case to offer the possibility to pass the electrical cables in the back so that they are not in the way.  

I also attached a power bar under the bottom shelf and hooked it up to a timer to offer a better control on the charing periods of the connected chargers.Here are a few pictures of the Charging station as built and hung on the wall.