Les Ateliers Bonzai

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Saw Till - Introduction

Saw Till Backgroud

After being interested by hand tools and getting a few saws, I decided to build the saw till featured in the Hand Tool School Semester 1.If you are not familiar with the Hand Tool School, please visit click on the link included in the title.  Shannon Rogers has been running the school for a while now is close to beginning the 6th semester (as of this writing).As I don't own as much saws that would fit in the till yet, I was interested in the getting proper storage for the saws that I own so far and future proof the storage as the collection might grow in the future.

Few ajustments and stock selection

The species is maple as I had enough stock for the project in the shop.  I did not have quite large enough board to do sides with a one piece, but was not too far off.  The drawer front will be from cherry, which I had an off cut from a board that was pretty for my taste and was keeping for a project like this.Other then the species of the drawer front that is different from the main stock, the thickness is also a little bit different but pretty close to the thickness that is included in the plan.  Had to adjust a little bit with the stock that was available.  Here is first look at the lumber that will be used for the build.The till is constructed as a case with a drawer at the bottom to store different items that would relate to saws.  The saw sit on the shelf that separate the opening for the storage of the saws and the drawer.The rough dimensioning of the lumber has started and now some of the joinery can start with some of the parts.  More to come in future posts :-) 

Saw Still Introduction

Saw Till - Carcase Dovetail and More

Saw Till Finished